Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Online Net Worth Tracker

I've been searching the net for a few weeks now trying to find a decent way to store basic net worth information. I finally found something that works for me. A site called NetWorthIQ tracks your monthly net worth, provides previous month progress, and a graphical representation of your net worth progress in the form of a hyper linked "badge". I took the liberty of putting my "badge" on the front page. The other interesting feature the site offers is a report of all the users currently entering data into the site. This allows you to compare your net worth to others by certain specified categories such as age, occupation, etc.

The service is free and quite primitive. For you advanced users and accountants out there, it doesn't offer any fancy calculations other than a tally of a fixed number of common assets and liabilities. But for me, it offers a clean and simple way to track my monthly net worth progress.

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